What's Happening
Current Announcements
Worship God with Zion – Sunday Service are at 9am and 5pm
NOTE: There are no services on Saturdays.
Vacation Bible School
Zion Clarence Center
August 5th-9th
5:30-8:30 pm
(dinner is included)
Mission MinutesOur latest announcements
Click here to view our Mission Minutes
Our Calendar Click here to view our Calendar
Be Our Guest
Things you’ll want to know when you come to Zion
You are welcome at any event, worship experience, service project, youth gathering. We’ve been praying for your arrival!
You will see a lot of children and youth while on site at Zion. Each child of God is amazing and we cherish the time to interact, worship, learn and serve together. Our Sunday School program is very active and engaging . All children are more than welcome to be in worship!
For any questions about coming to Zion for the first time. Contact our Church Office at (716) 741-2656 or click here to use our contact form.
We hope to see you soon!
Regular Worship Services
You are welcome to join us on Sunday @ 9:00am & 5:00pm
Sermon Video Archive
The Sunday school program at Zion Lutheran Church is a place for children, youth and adults to hear God’s word, to grow in the knowledge of God’s love, to develop a greater understanding about who we are and how God wants us to live and to apply these teachings to become an authentic disciple of Christ.
Together, we will instill in our children, youth and adults, the values present in our faith, through God’s word, prayer, worship, ministry and fellowship. Together, we will build upon the foundation of God’s promises in order to strengthen our families, support our community and come together as children of God.
Together we will discover and utilize our gifts as we learn to be authentic Disciples of Christ, so that we recognize faith as an active, and routine part of life; that loving God and loving your neighbor is not just reserved for Sunday mornings, but a lifestyle we choose for ourselves every day.
Sunday School / faith formation hour
Sunday mornings 10:30-11:30AM
Sunday school operates from September to May. There are classes available for everyone starting with the three-year old preschooler all the way up to an adult class.
Gathering Time: Prior to the actual classroom experience, there is a gathering for all children, youth, families, and adults alike. This unique opening not only leads into the theme and lesson of the day but also brings us together to center our thoughts on Christ.
Preschool – 5th Grade
Children meet in individual classes and focus on the bible story through various forms of teaching. Using the Augsburg Fortress Spark Curriculum, lessons begin with the Creation Story and move through the Bible highlighting the seasonal celebrations of Christmas and Easter.
Middle School – Grades 6th-8th
The students come together as one group to reinforce the lesson through activities that are relevant to daily situations in their life. Through creative observation and reflection, youth gain a solid understanding of the history of God’s people and a greater knowledge of the life of Jesus.
High School – Grades 9th – 12th
This group of young adults meet in the Kitchen for class. Thought provoking curriculum combines current affairs with the weekly scripture readings. Both conversation and good food drives this class as discussion revolves around their faith and how it pertains to their lives.
Throughout the year, various options to engage in faith-focused dialog with other faith-focused adults can be found on a weekly basis. Whether it is an Adult Bible Study, an educational classes or simply Coffee House conversations, there is something for everyone 18 and over.
Volunteer Staffing
We have qualified, trained and enthusiastic volunteers leading and teaching the children and youth in our Faith Formation Program. We are a “Safe Sanctuary” church, which means that we have implemented policies and procedures to keep our children and youth as safe as possible.
For more information concerning our Christian Education Program, contact Elaine Baker at (716) 741-2656 ext. 207 or click here to use our contact form
A variety of ministries allow our youth
to experience and share God’s love.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation Classes are for 8th & 9th graders to help prepare them for life as an adult disciple of the church. Classes start with a large group lesson taught by Pastor Roger or another adult leader. The class then breaks up into small groups led by volunteers who encourage discussion and deeper understanding of the large group lesson. Classes are held on Sunday evenings twice a month, following our Sunday evening worship. Dates are on the Zion calendar.
Service Projects
The youth ministry at Zion is committed to serving others. We see service in Jesus’ name as not only a fulfillment of Zion’s mission statement to “Love God and Our Neighbors” but because we recognize how important it is to impact the world with our faith. Watch our weekly Mission Minutes and quarterly Newsletters for more information.
Mission Trips
We are actively helping to serve others! We coordinate local, national and international mission trips, and we partner with other organizations who do the same! Dates, ages and locations tend to change with each offering, but we have served in Buffalo, NY; Chicago, IL; Slidell, LA; Haiti, Belize and most recently Houston, Texas.
The number of people who bring such variety of musical gifts and skills to share and serve God is truly wonderful!
All are warmly invited to share their musical talent.
Praise Choir
Zion’ Praise Choir consists of members from High School age and older. No special talent required, just the willingness to use your musical gifts. The Praise Choir prepares special offertory music in a wide variety of styles for Saturday worship services. The choir sings once a month. They rehearse on Thursdays at 6:30 pm We also welcome musicians with instrumental skills who can offer their musical gifts to enhance the worship experience. We’ve had trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, violin, flute, bass – to mention just a few.
Sunday Morning Special Music
Instrumentalists and vocalists who wish to perform solos or duets in worship are always welcome. Each month we enjoy a variety of brass, woodwind, and string music as well as vocal solos and piano duets too. Please contact our Sunday morning organist if you would like to schedule an opportunity to play!
Adult Handbell Choir
Our adult handbell choir features five octaves of Schulmerich handbells. Our choir rehearses weekly, September through May, ringing for worship services each month, along with Christmas, Easter and festival services. Although we are an experienced group with many of us ringing for more than 25 years, we are also blessed with new ringers.
All are welcome in our choir! If you are hesitant because of a meager music background, fear not! We will teach you all that you need to know and make sure you are comfortable ringing before performances. Our director offers small group and private practices until you are ready to join our group rehearsals.
Son-Shine Ringers
Zion’s Junior Bell Choir includes youth from second grade through high school. We rehearse many Wednesday afternoons, focusing on learning how to ring and how to read music the “Zion” way. We prepare music for ringing during our Children’s Christmas Pageant worship and Mother’s Day worship.
The Grove - Coffeehouse Ministry
Coffeehouse Ministry
Hot or Cold drinks provided, come out and join us! Led by Will Baron and Mark Sivecz.
Join us as we develop spiritual friendships and have some fun! We will be discussing 3 topics commonly asked by or to believers in Jesus Christ. For more information or if you have a topic idea that you would like to discuss, click here to contact Will Baron.
Held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Grove Coffee House. (September-May)
At MomCo (formerly MOPS/MOMSNext), we gather and support moms of all walks of life and in every season of motherhood. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together, face to face. That’s why we rally women to come together in their own neighborhoods and help each other through this thing called motherhood, one gathering at a time.
Our acronym stands for “the Mom Community” (formerly “MOPS-Mothers of Preschoolers”) was founded in 1973 when seven women in Colorado invited moms to meet regularly to grow together as women, parents, leaders, with the ultimate goal of reaching women with the hope of Jesus. Today, the small gathering now extends to 101+ countries, 25 languages, 72,000+ meetings a year and influences over a million moms annually.
Family Promise
There are families in WNY who have lost their homes. Sometimes it is through the loss of a job, personal illness or because of not enough income to pay rent and all their utilities. Family Promise is an organization that serves homeless families by providing safe shelter, meals, and guidance in finding permanent, affordable housing. Most shelters separate men and teenage boys from women and children – leaving fathers and teenage sons with limited shelter options.
Family Promise is one of only two shelters in Erie County that keep families of any makeup together through the crisis of homelessness.
For many years, various churches offered safe places for families to sleep, and they would spend one week at a time traveling to these churches each night. The shelter now has a permanent site which allows families to stay together in one place. It’s on Hickory Street in the city of Buffalo. The children attend their respective schools and are able to engage in all activities their schools provide. When Covid 19 made it necessary for the children to work remotely, they were able to do that from the Family Promise building.
From the Family Promise facility, parents are now able to use public transportation to look for housing and they have access to internet and phones. Laundry facilities are also on the premises. Families have the ability to serve themselves the meals they enjoy eating each evening.
Zion has supported Family Promise for many years; however, they still need our help. By visiting the Family Promise website, you are able to see their “Wish List” and the ongoing projects that are in need of donations. Funds are also needed for apartment deposits and to purchase mattresses which are necessary for each family member to acquire before they’re able to move into a new location.
Family Promise is no longer able to accept home cooked meals, but still need donations to obtain meals. Family Promise’s website has information on how to provide those much, needed meals. To contact Family Promise visit their website fpwny.org or call (716) 771-3007.
W.O.W- Women on Wednesday
W.O.W is a women’s discussion group. We have a potluck dinner, devotions and fellowship. W.O.W meets on the second Wednesday of the month (Sept-June). We meet in the Grove Coffee House at 6:00 pm. All women and their friends are welcome.
If you are interested in attending, please contact the Church Office at (716) 741-2656 or click here to use our contact form.
Men’s Breakfast
The first Saturday of the month, all men are welcome to gather at 8 AM in the Fellowship Hall for an amazing breakfast! Following the breakfast, John Kinney leads a thematic Bible study and conversation that always proves to be full of insight and inspiration. (No Breakfast July and August)
Our call is to serve the world and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
“Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.” -Jesus
We heal because Jesus healed. We love because Jesus loved. We serve because Jesus served. If not us, who? If not now, when?
There are many ways to serve through Zion’s ministry. Some are ongoing and some come out of needs that arise in the community. You are welcome to join in on any or all of the Outreach Ministries at Zion Lutheran Church:
Mission Trips
Periodic mission trips take place to meet the needs locally, nationally and in our newest venture, globally. Zion’s mission teams have served from Buffalo to Chicago to the Gulf Coast.
Military Service Men & Women Collection
…provides comfort items and snacks for men and women serving in the military.
Funeral Meals
The Funeral Lunch Team provides meals for families after funerals so that families don’t have to worry about those details and can stay at the church to heal, grieve, laugh and of course…eat!
Food Pantry
We support the food pantry of The Community of Good Neighbors in South Buffalo. We encourage people to bring non-perishable food items into worship each week. Volunteers are always needed to take the food over to the food pantry.
Angel Tree & Holiday Meals
Each year, Zion’s Outreach Ministry adopts several community families for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to provide gifts and meals.
School #80- Highgate Elementary, Buffalo
We are supporting School #80 in the city of Buffalo by providing school materials.
Hearts & Hands- Faith in Action
If you are looking for some way to do God’s work on a volunteer basis, call Hearts and Hands Clarence office (716) 741-8100. Volunteers are needed to help transport people to Medical/Dental appointments, grocery stores, companion visits, respite care, light housekeeping or lawn care.