
God has given us the gift of conversation with him. Prayer is God's invitation to us to share our thoughts, our hurts, our celebrations, our worries and more with the Almighty. At Zion, we make prayer an integral part of worship and church life. Here are a few of the ways we celebrate the opportunity to pray...

Community Prayer in Worship
Each worship service includes time to pray together in thanksgiving to God, for our own personal needs and for the needs of the world.

Prayer Concern
Call the church office to have someone added to our prayer list and to let us know if someone is in need of a visit.

Prayer Chapel
Located on the North end of the building, there is a Prayer Chapel to take time for silent prayer or Biblical reading for those looking for some private time to pray or be prayer for.

Prayer For Our Leaders
“The First thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.” I Timothy 2:1-3 (The Message)

Let us pray. Loving God, gracious Father, we give you thanks this day for the blessings you give. For home and family, food and clothing, and all that we need from day to day.

We also ask you to remember today, Lord God, and ask your blessings upon our elected leaders, for President Trump, for Governor Cuomo, and for all who serve this great state in these legislative bodies. Let your light shine upon them. Give them wisdom and strength, courage and understanding, especially when the going gets tough. For the task that is ahead of them is great, and the challenges are many in this time of economic stress and hardship.

So keep watch over our elected leaders. Watch over them and their families. Remind all citizens of this state who put their trust in you to continue to pray for them and this thing to which you have called them. Use us to support their work in service to their communities, and to the state of New York.

And to all who govern, in whatever capacity, and in whatever setting, grant a spirit of cooperation, of listening, of congeniality and respect – that the work to which you have called them might be accomplished. And may none but honest and wise men and women ever rule on behalf of the people.

In your great name we pray. Amen